Location 127 Hilton Highway, Washdyke, Timaru,
03 688 7517



Contact Us

03 688 7517



Hi! We are Timaru Can-Am, your local dealer for Can-Am, Sea-Doo and Ski-Doo. If you had the chance to visit our dealership, you would have had the pleasure of meeting our friendly team that are well-versed with BRP products. At the heart of it all is Korine and Ben - owners, down to earth couple that love nothing more than getting the job done. Their business was formed back in 2008 when their friends recommended Can-Am ATV’s and they have been impressed since then. 

We thought it was time for you to get to one of the owners on a more personal level so we asked Ben a few questions.

Q: Why did you choose BRP?
A: The quality of the product.

Q: What would you say is the most rewarding thing about being a dealer?
A: Working with a product we are passionate about. We really enjoy working in the South Canterbury community and have established a lot of great relationships with our customers, so we will endeavour to continue providing our customers with our exceptional products and services.

Q: List 5 things that you love about your team.
A: Loyal, hard-working, experienced, share the passion, driven 

Q: If you could choose one BRP model to own for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
A: Sea-Doo RXT-X 300. I love watersports. It is a powerful machine and fun for the family. 

Q: Who would be your dream dealership ambassador and why?
A: Ken block, share similar interests 

Q: Is there a place you have always dreamed of taking a BRP model to?
A: Route 66 on Spyder’s 

Q: How do you relax after a hard day at work?
A: With the family 

Q: What are your favourite things to watch?
A: Discovery Turbo 

Q: If you were stuck on an island, list 3 things you would want to have with you.
A: Family, a machete, a lighter.

Q: What age do you wish you could permanently be and why?
A: 25, slightly matured but still young, no real responsibilities, It’s a selfish age where you only need to really worry about yourself 

We hope you enjoyed reading about Ben! To stay up to date with what Timaru Can-Am get up to, give us a follow on Facebook and Instagram.